Preparing your own taxes

We are proud of you for wanting to read and understand the tax code for yourself.

How it works

Click on the clearly-marked button below. You will be taken to a different site. You should see our name in the header and a "welcome's you." in the subheading. While on this site you can save your return at anytime by clicking on the save button. There is also a help menu in case you need it. This will not contact us, but rather the administrator of the site. This is a company we have been buying our software from for the past five years and have worked with for three additional years prior to that. You will have the option to have your refund (if any) direct deopsited in the bank account of your choice or have a check mailed to you.

The charge for preparing your own taxes is:

There are no hidden costs. There are no additional charges.

Additional disclaimers:

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